Carrie drove while I wrote my blog.
We started with breakfast. A lot of new people joined this weekend. We had breakfast later today because it was only 50km to the ferry.
There's lots of farming on the island. Cows and hay along the way to the ferry.
After about 10 km the roads turned to fresh pavement. It was great.
The clouds looked threatening but it never rained.
A few of these farms were forsale.
We were going to stop off at this place to see how my brain works but we couldn't because Albert and John were chasing us. We kept them back just far enough to give them a chance but far enough we knew we could hold them off. We averaged well over 30 kmph over the 55 km to the ferry.
Once we got there we had plenty of time for second breakfast at a waffle place.
That's what I'm talking about.
After the food we got ice cream cones. I love all this cycling.
We weeent the only ones by then looking for second breakfast. Sara and Jen and there twin sisters.
Waiting with my buddy for the ferry to show up.
Thunder and lightning. No not Albert and John it's in the background. Don't they look tired from chasing us.
Someone tried to hold the boat back.
In the cyclist went first. I was the last rider on.
Up the ramp we all went.
On the boat enjoying the veiws.
Almost in tobermory.
Hanging out on the sunny side.
Carrie and the coachman in the middle at the back of the boat.
Lots of people were here to cheer us on.
The mouth of the ship spitting us out.
Here comes Carrie.
Billy was directing us so we would not miss the entrance to the road because the traffic was so thick off the ferry.
Our nightly peloton meeting where we talk about highlights of the day and then talk about the next days route. We call it a peloton meeting because it's about as close to a real peloton that we'll get.
So today's stats according to my Garman are. 2hrs 96.3 km Average speed 48 kmph maximum speed 57 kmph. Ok so I left the Garmanon the bike and it may have lost signal while on the ferry. It turned out to be a great morning ride and a relaxing afternoon. See you all tomorrow. Len.
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