Saturday, August 24, 2013

The final day part 1of 2

The day started the same as every other day on the tour. 5am  zippers start opening tents. Air mattresses release their air. Tent poles start clicking together. Loud talking. So then it's 530. We try and get a little more sleep. 600 rolls around  and it's time to pack up. Harold, Jane,Barb and I rode together for the last time. 
Through the streets we rode making our way along the Hudson River.
Little towns. With steep hills. Well we know all a out hills. So no big deal. 
Story of our ride. Altered routes. We found out today that we actually rode over 4000 miles thanks to altered routes. 
What a beautiful  start to A memorable day. 
We actually rode through New Jersey to New York City.  
We crossed the George Washington bridge. 
The Newyork sky line in the distance. 
We rode through the streets of manhattan. 
Ahead was downtown and the cruise ships. 
Behind us was the bridge we crossed. 
Past the aircraft carrier the intrepid. 
The city across the Hudson. 
The tower in the middle is the replacement for the twin towers. 
Getting closer to ground zero. 
The new tower. 
Getting ready to go on the ferry. 
The kids. 
On the ferry with liberty in the background. 
This pic was off the ferry. 
This on looking back at Newyork   
 This is part one too many pics. 


  1. Congratulations, Len, Carrie, Harold, Barb, the whole Sea to Sea team! God be praised! You made it, and you've made differences in the lives of too many to count! Awesome!

  2. Awesome pictures Len, Carrie :). Loved reading your post's on your blog. You should consider to keep writting blogs. May God bless you and keep you all safe. :)

  3. What an awesome day, thank you Len for taking us along for the ride!! Praise God for taking care of you all and that you have arrived at the end of your journey although I am going to miss reading your blog every day. Its been fun :)

  4. So glad you wrote this last post as I was going thru withdrawal :(
    Thanks for taking us along on your awesome ride and praise the Lord that He was riding with you all the way.
