Friday, July 21, 2017

Day 26 minnedosa to portage la prairie

So this morning we saw a plane take off during breakfast.  It was a great way to start the day. 
The bags are ready to be loaded. Lunches are being made. Back to the mood of the day. People were talking about the weather and wind already yesterday. This morning the mood continued. Do I take a rain coat. Should I leave early or really early. Everyone had their game plan. The day played out  we left late as usual. Ruben loaded the gear truck and we slowly headed out. 
The sky look dark and seemed to be getting darker. 

After a long climb out of the valley it levelled off and we powered to the first rest stop. 

We stopped at the local mc Donald's. The local heritage club was there and they were all looking at us wondering what we were doing. So I said to them. Aren't you curious about what we're doing. I talked loud enough for them all to here. In the end a couple of ladies fave us 20$ for the cause. 

The sun started to shine through. We could see that it had rained. Carrie sent me a text that it was pouring at her stop. 

Turns out that while we were in mc ds the people that put the pedal to the metal rode right into the rain. They were soaked and dirty. 

This is the faces of the crew that was later and there all smiling because we are all dry. 

The sky was lightning up and the sun was working it's way through. 

We crossed white mud creek a bunch of times today but it should have been called brown mud creek. 

Lots of old barns and a lot more trees. Way less canola fields. 

We looked for horses and buggies but we didn't see them. We did however see a couple of (KJV) asses. 

We saw these guys too. 

This is what it looks like from behind my glasses. And helmet 

Lots of grain elevators and straight roads. 

Back to the mood. So many people get themselves worked up over what tomorrow could be. God gives us provisions for today only and not tomorrow. He will give us what we need every day. Nothing more. Nothing less.  He doesn't give you tomorrow's provisions so don't bring tomorrow's trouble to today. Just take it as it comes and God will give you all you need. A tip I could give you is if your anxious about things and you watch the news allot. Stop watching the news. It's the same stuff everyday. You could watch the news a year later or pickup a newspaper and if it didn't have the date on it I bet you couldn't tell how old it was. Focus on things you can change. Small things. 

This is how we make the ride interesting when there's not much to see. 

Ian on the hay bale. Did I mention we've been eating a lot of beans lately. We gave Ian a new name. Chief cheek lifter. If you cycle you'll get it. 

We're stil smiling despite the head winds. 

Another stop. Not too many people but there all dry. 

We're still playing the how far is that elevator game. 

After 9 km of reprive from the wind we made a hard left right into the wind for the last 9 km. Working together is the key. 

Almost in camp. Right in town beside a nice lake. 
Another day in the books. You can see the tracks of the bikes that went before us in the rain. Sometimes it pays to take your time and smell the roses. After all it's not a race. There are no prizes for getting to camp first. 
Off to supper. See you later.  Len. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Len, Carrie and the whole Sea to Sea team! You are encouraging and inspiring. May God continue to bless and encourage you all. Thank you for your daily posts, Len. I really appreciated Sunday's and yesterdays. Both really spoke God's Word to me, words I needed to hear. Love all the pictures; keep sharing your thoughts too!
