Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Day 1 - White Rock to Abbotsford

Day 1. Hey everyone after arriving in Vancouver we headed to Rudy's brothers place and met up with his sisters in law Wendy. We went the next day, Friday to trinity western university where we registered and met people assembling their bikes. 
After that we worked on getting the gear truck and kitchen truck fine tuned and ready to go. 
Over the next few days we fine tuned our bikes. Participated in a canbike seminar. It was riviting. The three hour time change and 90 degree temperature in the room made it tough to stay awake. 
The next day we did the practical part of the seminar. Barbjane would have loved it. Single file for 10 laps. Then double , triple and even six wide. At that point I was like if I ever catch anyone riding this wide. That would be a great way to piss of motorist and give cyclist a bad name. 
The morning of the ride is finally here. A circle prayer and photo op. 
Off we go in our service group. We went to white rock. They have one big rock on the beach so the called the town white rock and painted the rock white. 
People wanted to dip their back tires in the Pacific Ocean and later when we get to Halifax the front in the Atlantic. The ride was way out so instead of carting my bike all the way I came up with plan be. 
Notice it is my back tire. After that we headed for Abbotsford along road o. The boarder was a ditch between two roads one side Canada and the other USA with mount baker in the background. 
We finally arrived in camp. 
Had a great meal made for us by the church. Feels so great to start eating like a teenager again. I have to say that is one of my favourite parts of the ride. See you Tomorrow. Len
 These are called fox tails.

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