Hi all. After a night of cool sleeping I was ready to go this morning.
This was my view this morning at about 630. Line up for the portapoty 20 deep. As we got to the main road people streamed on like streams flowing into a river. On your left, car up, car back. It's funny cause we're on a road that's pretty much filled with bikes and no cars but people yell like they've never seen a car on the road. It makes me smile. So does all the different characters on the ride. You have to ride defensively. Not that I don't trust people, it's just that I don't trust people.
After a few miles we came to a dam. This was the first time they let bikers ride across the Dam.
Coming into town we saw the seatosea truck placed perfectly at he end of the main street. All the riders have had the same experience. People love to hear about it
He was an impromptu picture that terry til infringe oft he truck. It was fun to see so many seatosea riders together that far into the ride.
Here's Wayne behind me and we had a discussion on the way they bailed the grass on the side of the road.
We didn't have a ton of climbing but the hills we did climb were long. And packed with people.
At least the downhills spread out a little more.
I stopped at beekmans ice cream to take some pics of there old fashioned engines making the ice cream.
This old truck needed some tender loving care.
When we arrived in town the had this fire truck to greet us.
This truck had a pic in the door that was funny. Not sure if you can read it.
Here's mark with his bike tonight. Looks cool. Here's a bonus pic for all the Deere John fans.